Summer Roofing Tips to Beat the Heat in Stockton

It is vital to maintain your roof properly for good ventilation in Stockton’s hot, arid summers. With the summer temperatures in Stockton seldom below 30°F, the heat can significantly impact ventilation if the roof is not maintained correctly. In addition, the heat can damage the roof, leading to an unnecessary expense. The roof’s coating absorbs the radiation from the sun, and the coating will deteriorate. UV rays can cause an asphalt coating of roof shingles, causing them to wear out quickly, leading to leaks and water damage. The sun will also fade the roofing material, eventually needing replacement. Furthermore, the heat causes roof expansion, resulting in cracks and leaks. To save yourself some unexpected damage or expense, follow these tips to check your roof before the hot summer sun reaches you in June.

Regular inspection

Inspect your roof regularly to make sure everything is in working order. You must look for signs of water damage, cracked or missing shingles or tiles, and other visible damage and wear and tear. The humidity in rainy seasons can cause mold and algae growth. Algae can eat away the shingles and lead to roof decay. Mold growth and discoloration indicate water damage. Over time, moss causes the shingles to curl and crack. Heavy moss can cause a blockage, and the water infiltration under the shingles will eventually damage the roof deck. Moss and algae can grow fast and must be removed immediately to prevent more significant problems.

Regular inspection

Clean the roof

It is essential to clean the roof of debris and dirt accumulating over time. Twigs and branches cannot only cause a blockage but can poke holes and cause roof leaks. Pressure washing or gentle scrubbing can remove the dirt and possible moss growth that can cause significant damage if left. In addition, a clean roof can adequately reflect the sun’s rays and keep the home from overheating in summer.

Clean your gutters regularly

Cleaning gutters is critical in preventing damage to your roof and house. Loose gutters pulling away from the home indicate debris collected in the gutters. Rainwater can build up quickly if leaves and twigs are clogging the system and causing decay because of water accumulation under the shingles. Algae can also cause obstructions and easily grow in gutters due to water build-up. Regular cleaning of gutters can protect your roof from moisture damage. You should clean the roof and gutters regularly before the rainy season in January/ February in Stockton. Cleaning gutters is a significant, ongoing preventative action throughout the spring and summer months, and it is a good idea to do this after a severe storm to remove debris.

Clean your gutters regularly

Inspect the flashing around vents and chimneys

The metal strips sealing the gaps between two pieces – the flashings – are particularly vulnerable to leaks. Over time these flashings wear down due to weather conditions. It is, therefore, essential to check them periodically and replace worn-out flashings. Damaged flashing around vents and chimneys is a tell-tale of possible leaks. The earlier you notice any damage, the sooner it can be repaired – at possibly a lower cost and a minor impact on the rest of the building.

Check your attic

The roof absorbs the heat from the sun’s rays and radiates it into the attic. A poorly ventilated attic without proper insulation can shorten the roof’s life span with heat build-up. The heat affects shingles and roof materials and can crack or curl, resulting in roof leaks. Other signs of water or mold damage in your attic include watermarks along the ceiling or walls, a musty smell or mildew across the ceiling, and discolored rafters. These are all signs of leakage from the roof.

Trees and creepers

Any vegetation near the roof must be trimmed so as not to break during a storm or leave debris on the roof. Low-hanging branches can scrape shingles and strip the layers of asphalt. Keeping the branches about 8 to 10 feet away from the roof is a good idea to ensure the best protection for your roof.

Follow these six roofing tips to enjoy a cool summer in your home in Stockton. Protect your home from water damage by regularly inspecting and thoroughly cleaning your roof. Check for damaged roof material or debris on the roof. Clean the gutters, inspect the flashings and attic for damage or water leakage, and keep your plants and trees close to the roof trimmed.

Roof replacement contractors

Do not risk damage to your property when you notice any problem on your roof. Don’t put up with leaks, wear and tear or damage. Whatever the reason for roof repairs, call Phoenix Construction now – the experts to assist you with advice, a free inspection of your roof, free quotation, repairs, and even financing options for certain repairs. Phoenix Construction offers a complete solution for your tiled or shingle roof, with superior quality and total customer satisfaction.